:: the ivory mission ::

....analog phonic liquid....
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[::..getting out..::]
[mmw w/ berstein]

:: 2.07.2002 ::

things dreamed
all the unorganized clutter overwhelms me. my car is a huge trash heap with half smoked blunts and cigarette wrappers. the empty poland spring bottles have reached a critical mass. the old new york times piled on top of each other. i try to move it all to the back seat but it's too full back there. there's no place to put it all. i slam the door frustrated that i can't drive because i've been clutter-fied.

now's the time when i'm supposed to think about all the things i've been trying to forget about. the unpaid parking tickets, the bills, my laundry piled up to the ceiling, putting the records back in order, filling out that god damned insurance questionnaire, calling back all those unanswered messages, the old email.

you would have thought i would have woke up by now. no, it goes on.

i'm moving but standing perfectly still and some otherworldly prince song plays in the background

if she could be muse to the pharaoh, someday she might be queen

:: oliver 1:23:00 PM [+] ::
:: 2.06.2002 ::
things seen
three well dressed asian business men , each one shaking a twenty dollar bill wildly at the burger king employee to pay for a ten dollar tab.

:: oliver 12:15:00 PM [+] ::
:: 2.04.2002 ::
the underdog
hello bud selig......this is what revenue sharing and salary caps can do for you. a team that was 5-11 last year won the super bowl. spring training starts in 11 days and every team, except one (read: Yankees), has absolutely no shot at winning a world series.

as for the patriots......i was thinking last night during the game how sports always gives the viewer a hope that maybe *your* team is going to win despite the long odds. unfortunately this is not how politics works. no long shots ever become president. no enron executive is ever going to see jail time.

the commercials……that one about buying illegal drugs supports terrorism….yeah that one. way to go dubya….way to waste 3.5 million dollars we earned to tell us that. wouldn’t it be cheaper to just make it legal so we can grow it and not support the taliban.

and a shout out to mlife.com…..great marketing folks…..to bad your website was down for much of the super bowl.

:: oliver 12:14:00 PM [+] ::

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